Work in Progress


Sessions on the Evaluation Specifications

Each year, the BIM-VT Team organizes sessions to validate the evaluation specifications. These sessions allow the teachers to: 

  • develop expertise on evaluation specifications
  • share ways of doing things and establish a common vision
  • divide up the tasks among educational organizations
  • reduce the costs of developing evaluation tools






Evaluation Specifications Validation Session

The BIM-VT Team will be holding the validation session of the evaluation specifications (30 marks) for the following program: AVS 5883 – High-Pressure Welding on February 9, 2024.

Please contact our team for any question.



Commencement of Work

The BIM-VT Team announces the commencement of work in preparation for the development of specifications (30 marks) for the following program:

  • AVS 5883 – High-Pressure Welding

Please contact our team for any interest in participating. 



Commencement of Work

The BIM-VT Team announces the commencement of work in preparation for the development of specifications (30 marks) and examinations for the following program:

  • DVS 5890 – Horticulture and Garden Centre Operations (New Version)

Please contact our team for any interest in participating. 



Evaluation Specifications Validation Session

The BIM-VT Team will be holding the validation session of the evaluation specifications (30 marks) for the following program: DVS 5882 – Welding-Assembly (Phase 1 – Competencies 1 to 14) on June 16, 2023

Please contact our team for any question.



Evaluation Specifications Presentation Sessions

The BIM-VT Team cordially invites you to the presentation sessions of the evaluation specifications (30 marks) for the following program:

  • Phase 1: DVS 5885 – IT Support (Competencies 1 to 11)
  • May 24, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
  • May 31, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Please contact our team for any question.


Commencement of Work

The BIM-VT Team announces the commencement of work in preparation for the development of specifications (30 marks) and examinations for the following program:

  • DVS 5894 – Pharmacy Technical Assistance

Please contact our team for any question.



Commencement of Work

The BIM-VT Team announces the commencement of work in preparation for the development of specifications (30 marks) and examinations for the following program:

  • DVS 5882 – Soudage-assemblage (new Welding and Fitting program)

Please contact our team for any question.


Commencement of Work

The BIM-VT Team announces the commencement of work in preparation for the development of specifications (30 marks) for the following program:

  • DVS 5885 – IT Support

Please contact our team for any question.


Commencement of Work

The BIM-VT Team announces the commencement of work in preparation for the development of specifications (30 marks) for the following program:

  • DVS 5880 – Reprocessing of Medical Devices

Please contact our team for any question.



Evaluation Specifications Validation Session

The BIM-VT Team cordially invites you to the validation session of the evaluation specifications (30 marks) for the following program: AVS 5873 – Secretarial Studies-Legal.

  • February 22, 2023 (8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.)

Please contact our team for any question.



Commencement of Work

The BIM-VT Team announces the commencement of work to develop examinations for the following program:

  • AVS 5873 – Secretarial Studies-Legal

Please contact our team for any interest in participating.



Commencement of Work

The BIM-VT Team announces the commencement of work to update examinations for the following program:

  • DVS 5825 – Health, Assistance and Nursing

Please contact our team for any interest in participating.



Commencement of Work

The BIM-VT Team announces the commencement of work to develop examinations for the following program:

  • AVS 5874 – Secretarial Studies-Medical

Please contact our team for any interest in participating.



Commencement of Work

The BIM-VT Team announces the commencement of work to develop examinations for the following program:

  • DVS 5833 – Plumbing and Heating

Please contact our team for any interest in participating.



Commencement of Work

The BIM-VT Team announces the commencement of work to update examinations for the following program:

  • DVS 5797 - Pastry Making

Please contact our team for any interest in participating.



Commencement of Work for Examination Development

The BIM-VT Team announces the commencement of work for examination development in the following program:

  • STC 4740 – Hygiene and Sanitation in Health Care Settings

Please contact our team for any interest in participating.
